Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tom's Notes—House Hunting

Hands up who's bought a house?

Nana's, and my, hands aren't up. But we half made the gesture for a moment there. We're not home-owners, we're house-hunters. I mentioned this in passing a few Notes' ago; in the one about music. About a month later and we're still hunting. Our hunt, though, has zeroed in on its target.

Rye is the prize.

Yes, you may recognize the name. There've been a couple of posts featuring Rye on Together:


Beautiful place. Rye isn't actually in Kent; it's in East Sussex. Camber Sands is round the way, and Rye is surrounded by the good green (no pylons and telephone lines buggering up the views). It's the place for us.
(Funny how you can travel far and wide looking for what you want, and find it 20 minutes down the road...)

So, we're a-hunting in Rye. And we're getting very very close to the quarry...

That's why our hands half went up.


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